Megyn Kelly, the host of the "Megyn Kelly Today" show on NBC, is running afoul of the NBC studio executives for making her show her own style and with her own content

Mira Sorvino. Rose McGowan and Ashley Judd
Megyn Kelly, the host of the "Megyn Kelly Today" show on NBC, is running afoul of NBC studio executives. While Kelly is earning decent ratings in her 9 AM slot, she is facing a bigger problem with NBC management than with the actual fans of the show. The NBC management, who were reportedly protecting sex pervert Matt Lauer for years before he was outed in the Perve Purge of 2017 #pervepurge, seem like they would like nothing better than to dictate the style and terms of Kelly's 9 AM show. Just last week, Kelly refused to host Michael Wolff, the infamous writer and promoter of his book "Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House," on her show. Kelly was reportedly upset about a previous Newsweek hatchet piece that Wolff penned about her own NBC deal when she moved from Fox, in which he wrote: “There is at any given time in the television news business invariably one person more mistrusted and reviled by all the other mistrusted and reviled people in the business...At Fox, for star colleagues down to makeup artists and, seemingly, by common agreement throughout the television news business, Megyn Kelly is the era’s most hardcore Eve Harrington case — soulless, heartless, shameless, avaricious, etc.”
Michael Wolff and Megyn Kelly
After reading that, it's no surprise that Kelly put the kibosh on having Wolff on her show, given that her first-hand knowledge of her move from Fox to NBC differed so vastly from what Wolff had printed in Newsweek. As Kelly knew that most of Wolff's Newsweek story was mean and untrue, she believed he could not be a credible news source with his new book, which claims to print revelations about the inner workings of Trump's White House. The Today show execs were not happy with Kelly's refusal, as they could not get enough of Wolff on the earlier part of the "Today Show," where they dedicated huge amounts of time to promoting his book in an exclusive. This isn't the first time that NBC has tried to bring down Trump, as they are also well-known for timing the release of the "Access Hollywood" tape for maximum impact, which ultimately did not change the course of the Presidential election. This week, Kelly is drawing fire from her NBC bosses for her attack on the Golden Globes. Kelly indicated that before the show went on, she was not sure how she would feel, but afterwards, she felt a little conflicted by the things she saw. Kelly made it clear that she 100% applauds the women in the #metoo movement, including Hollywood women like Rose McGowan, Ashley Judd, and Mira Sorvino, who came forward to tell their stories when almost no one else had the guts to do so. The Golden Globes failed to mention any of those women and their courage and the great risk they took to their reputation in the industry, which has long been a boys club and bastion of sexism. It was Kelly's opinion that the Golden Globes focused more on the dresses and pageantry of the occasion, but did a great disservice to the #metoo movement. "They did have some women trailblazers who spoke about the problem, the message is still falling on deaf ears. These Hollywood elites are the same ones who were party to the overt sexism and harassment and did nothing about it on their watch.
Actresses and activists at the Golden Globes 2018
The very same people who praised Harvey Weinstein as God, knowing full well of the alleged crimes that he had committed over the years." Her issue was also with Roman Polanski, who still works in Hollywood; while he does not come to this country due to outstanding legal matters, most of Hollywood still works with him. How can one group in Hollywood embrace these individuals? It is not the individuals at fault; it is the whole industry that has lectured for many years about morals and values of our society, and cannot even live up to the most basic values themselves. Hollywood's track record of sexual misconduct is terrible, and they should consider making a movie about just that. Kelly questioned the impact of the Golden Globes and what difference it could make, if any. It is unclear if it marks a real shift in an industry, or "just teaspoons in an ocean of male dominance that realistically is nowhere close to over." In any case, this is another example of Kelly going head-to-head with NBC execs, who seem to have a different opinion from her on several matters.